Shane Bray
Commander - Army

Commander of Post 10095

Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States

Shane Joined the VFW Post 10095 in Hilliard FL. In 2004 while still on Active duty when he was home on leave, after returning from a deployment to Iraq.

He became a Life member in 2019 and became a Bronze Legacy Life member in 2023. He has served as Senior Vice Commander and Multiple Committee chairs, in 2022 he was elected as Commander and again in 2023.


Shane served 5 years in the U.S. Army as a Light wheeled vehicle mechanic where he earned the rank of SGT E-5. He deployed to Iraq in 2003 for the beginning of Iraqi Freedom where he received an Army Commendation medal.

Shane has also received an Army Achievement medal, Good conduct Medal, Global war on terrorism Expeditionary medal among others.


After completing his enlistment Shane returned home to Hilliard FL. Where he lives with his wife Lisa and their 4 daughters.